NEET UG 2023


NEET UG 2023 is just round the corner and all the aspirants are busy brushing up their learnings to check their preparations in the final week before the commencement of the exam. It is equally important for all the candidates and parents to know the important instructions that are required to be followed by the candidates to avoid disqualification from the exam. All aspirants must understand that lack of information or awareness to follow important guidelines and instructions, shall not be accepted as an excuse as National Testing Agency (NTA) has clearly spelled out these instructions in their brochure which is published on their official website.

What time should I reach my examination center  for NEET UG 2023?

The examination centres marked for the conduct of NEET UG 2023 exam will be opened two hours before the conduct of the exams and entry to examination center will not be allowed after 1:30 PM. All the guardians and parents must take into consideration important factors line traffic, weather, location and distance to examination center while preparing and planning to move to the examination center, they must keep adequate cushion time of at least one hour for any unforeseen circumstances like traffic Jam or bad weather to avoid getting delayed in reaching the examination center.

What are the important instructions that I am required to follow before conduct of NEET UG 2023 exam?

The candidates are required to follow all the instructions and maintain discipline once they are inside the examination hall. Candidates must not breach any of the examination rules. As per NTA guidelines, indulging in any activity that would amount to gaining undue advantage to the aspirants shall amount to breaching of the examination rules. In the broader prospect candidates are not allowed to carry  stationary items, communication device, eatables, ornaments or any other material which is not relevant to the  examination and may put the candidate to an undue advantage than others. There is no facility of  the safekeeping of such items in the examination centers, hence the candidates must not bring carry such items to the examination center or make arrangement to hand over all these items to their parents or guardians before entering the examination center. Possession of any of the barred items inside the examination hall will lead to the cancellation of the candidature , hence this rule must be followed very seriously by the candidates.

Can I carry water bottle or eatables inside the examination hall for NEET UG 2023 Exam?

As per the instructions provided in the NEET UG 2023 brochure carry of water bottle and eatables is not permitted inside the examination hall however aspirants having diabetes are allowed to carry sugar tablets, fruits like apple, oranges or banana and water bottle inside the examination hall. But this information is required to be given in advance to the authorities and must be backed by relevant documents issued by authorized medical practitioner to avoid getting into a controversy.

What amounts to unfair means and  can lead to cancellation of candidature in NEET UG 2023 exam?

Following amounts to unfair means and can lead to cancellation of the candidature during NEET UG 2023 exam:

  1.  Writing exam on behalf of someone else.
  2. Trying to communicate with someone during the conduct of the exam.
  3. Found in possession of  barred items inside the examination hall.
  4. Carrying the answer sheet or admit card outside the examination hall during the conduct of the exam.
  5.  Tearing of the answer sheets.
  6. Threatening  the invigilators staff.

Cancellation of the candidature shall lead to the cancellation of the result of the candidate found indulging in any of the above activities, banning to appear in the exam for 3 years and criminal proceedings.

What is the dress code for appearing in the NEET UG 2023 Exam?

Light clothes with long sleeves are not permitted  however if the candidates prefer to come in the cultural or traditional clothes then they must plan to reach their respective centers at least one hour in advance to avoid inconvenience to other candidates as such candidates would be required to undergo prolonged frisking. Only slippers and sandals with low heels are permitted, shoes are not permitted inside the examination hall. Any deviation from the above rules on account of unavoidable reasons like medicals, prior approval of the NTA is required to be obtained and the same would be endorsed in the admit card of the candidates.

What is the list of barred items that are not allowed inside the examination hall of NEET UG 2023 exam?

Candidates will be subjected to prolonged and extensive frisking prior to entering the examination hall with the help of highly sensitive metal detectors and physical frisking, candidates must not carry any of the below items inside the examination hall:

  1. Textual items like
  • pieces of papers.
  • Geometry/Pencil Box.
  • Plastic Pouch.
  • Calculator.
  • Pen.
  • Scale.
  • Writing Pad.
  • Pen Drives.
  • Eraser.
  • Calculator.
  • Log Table.
  • Electronic Pen/Scanner, etc.

2.  Communication Device

  •  Mobile Phone.
  • Bluetooth devices.
  • Earphones.
  • Microphone.
  • Pager.
  • Health Band.

3.  Other items

  • Wallet.
  • Goggles.
  • Handbags.
  • Belt.
  • Cap.

4.    Watch/Wristwatch, Bracelet, Camera, etc.

5.  Ornaments/metallic items.

6. Food items opened or packed, water bottle, etc.

7. Items that can be used for unfair means , by concealing communication devices like a
microchip, camera, Bluetooth device, etc.

Awareness to the above guidelines will help in saving time before entering the examination hall and avoid last minute jitter which may adversely affect the temperament of the candidate before entering the examination hall. We wish all the candidates a smooth entry into their examination centers and have a very cool and composed temperament while attempting their NEET UG 2023 exam.

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