Canada Vs India Education

While deciding on the right country for studies, aspirants often come across a lot of confusion in the tussle between Canada and India. Both of them differ considerably in terms of their standards of living, education system, living expenses, and the benefits offered to students pursuing a degree in a particular country.

Canada vs. India- Standard of Living: 

In the debate about why Canada is better than India, the former scores more points because of its higher cost of living than India. In India, everything is relatively cheaper, from local produce and rentals to investing in real estate, mobile phones, and even childcare.

However, Canada has a better lifestyle to offer to its students as compared to India. The major contributing factor behind this is the comparatively lower population in Canada and comparatively less stress on public infrastructure and resources. The pollution levels in Canada are lower, the weather is better, and the education system is efficiently managed. Salaries offered in Canada are proportional to the cost of living. The average earning of a skilled worker in Canada varies somewhere around CAD 54,600 to CAD 105,00 per year. Canada is ranked amongst the top 10 global countries that offer the best quality of life. The flourishing healthcare system is another contributor to the higher well-being of Canadian residents.

Benefits in Canada-:

Having multiple benefits of living in Canada, including the advantage of pensions for housing, employment insurance, benefits for people with disabilities, training, education, and families. The Canadian government offers free education till grade 12 for children whose parents are permanent residents in Canada. There is a three-tier education system comprising primary, secondary, and higher education. Tuition fees are also considerably lower at the university level for permanent residents.

It is not just residents; the immigrants also enjoy social security advantages in Canada once they achieve 40 credit points or 10 years of work (40 quarters). Skilled employees can expect attractive job opportunities in the country and rebates on taxes, enabling a higher quality of life. Social benefits include survivors’ benefits for workers who have passed away and retirement payments. Canada is also one of the most peaceful countries in the world and was ranked at the top in 2007 by The Economist as well.

Section 6 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms secures immigrants with permanent residency. It is one of the major reasons why international students take up jobs after graduating, and later on, apply for Canada PR visas.

Canada has a universal, decentralized, publicly funded healthcare system known as Canadian Medicare. Medical care is free for all holders of permanent resident visas, which also means financial coverage for prescribed medicines.

Benefits in India-:

India offers numerous benefits to its citizens, although they are not so widely ranged as those available in Canada. In the public education framework, schooling is free as a fundamental right for those between 6-14 years. All Indian citizens are entitled to receive free outpatient and inpatient care at government facilities.

Education System in Canada vs. India: 

The comparison of the education systems in both countries brings forth some fascinating aspects. Public education is free for kids between 6-14 years of age in India. On the other hand, education is free in Canada till 12th grade for students (16-18 years of age, depending on the province), whose parents have a PR. There are both private and public schools in Canada and education in the country is highly subsidized by the government, from kindergarten to the post-secondary level. Leading private schools may charge around CAD 6,000-26,000 per year.

Higher education costs vary across institutions in Canada, hovering between CAD 13,000  and  CAD 40,000, depending upon the level of study and the program opted for. It is lower than the educational costs in the USA. At the same time, Canada also has the highest chunk of graduates at the post-secondary level amongst the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development) nations. The Indian education system has primary (K-5th Grade), secondary (6th-10th Grade), and senior secondary (11th and 12th Grades) levels. The higher education framework comprises Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees. Elementary education is eight years, with secondary and senior secondary levels taking up two years each.

Undergraduate degrees in India require three-four years in most cases, while postgraduate courses require two to three years for completion. Students in India mostly choose engineering, medicine, IT, law, architecture, and MBA programs. However, there is a growing interest in humanities and pure science courses as well.

The Ontario Senior Secondary Diploma (OSSD) or Canadian High School Diploma can be earned by scoring 30 high-school course credits. Students should pass the OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) and engage in community work of 40 hours. It is required for students between Grades 9-12, and out of 30 credits, 18 are mandatory. Students may choose the other 12 credits. Mandatory subjects include Science, Mathematics, English, Canadian Geography, Canadian History, French, Arts, Career Studies, Health and Physical Education, and Civics. Indian students can undergo the OSSD program through online mode along with their regular studies. This will make their admissions to Canadian /US/UK/ Australia Universities much easier.


Students can integrate additional credits or third languages and humanities, social sciences, and Canadian and World Studies. They can also choose Business Studies, Arts, Physical Education, and Cooperative Education and easily convert earlier educational experience into earning credits. The OSSD encourages active community volunteering and engagement. The Grade 10 standardized examination tests students on writing, reading, and comprehension. Students may take an extra course for earning credits in Grades 11 and 12 if they fail to clear the OSSLT even after trying twice. Students get diplomas at par with on-campus Canadian students once they go through the OSSD and gain worldwide exposure. The OSSD has widespread acceptance in the USA, UK, Europe, and Singapore.

The Canadian higher education system is one of the best in the world that offers courses across diverse fields. The country is home to some of the world’s top universities and colleges, which is the major reason why Indian aspirants choose to study here. Popular fields include Pharmacology, Finance, Management, Business Administration, Software Engineering, Chemical or Petroleum Engineering, Geosciences, and more.

Cost of Living in Canada vs. India

Canada vs. India, which is better? A look at the cost of living would lead to a mixed reaction initially. However, it should be stated again that the average salary in Canada vs. India is way higher and tailored to meet living costs, whereas the average salary in India is nowhere proportionate to rising inflation.

FactorsThe average cost of living in Canada per yearAverage cost of living in India per year
AccommodationCAD 4800 – CAD 7200 (₹2.86 lakhs -₹4.29 lakhs)₹1,20,000
Food expensesCAD 2400 – CAD 3600 (₹1.43 lakhs – ₹2.15 lakhs)₹36,000 – ₹60,000
Utility costs (including water, heating, and electricity charges)CAD 1680 (₹1 lakh)₹28,800
TransportationCAD 1200 (₹71,500) – CAD 3000 (₹1.79 lakhs)₹36,000 – ₹48,000
MiscellaneousCAD 7500 (₹4.47 lakhs)₹10,800 – ₹1,80,00

It can be said that Canada has a higher cost of living. However, considerably higher salaries and purchasing power ensure that living standards are also on the higher side there.

Salary Comparison: 

The average annual salary in Canada ranges from CAD 54,600 (₹32.58 lakhs) to CAD 105,000 (₹62.63 lakhs), whereas in India, skilled employees get paid from ₹2.5 lakhs to ₹15 lakhs approximately.

Canada Vs India: Which is better? 

Before deciding which country is better, it is imperative to keep a few factors in mind. Firstly, Canada offers a higher standard of living with comparatively higher income and purchasing power. Secondly, Canada offers more benefits in terms of education, healthcare, and public infrastructure.

Thirdly, Canada has a globally recognized and cutting-edge education system and is a preferred study hub for international aspirants. Fourthly, Canada offers a globally diverse environment with more scope of innovation and a flourishing job market. These factors make it a better option for future residence, at least for international students and professionals.

Frequently Asked Questions 


Q1. Why is Canada better than India?

Reports have estimated how Canada, even though a costlier country than India, offers a higher standard of living for residents. Along with a better quality of life, Canada offers better healthcare and education systems for its citizens. Canada is also one of the most coveted study destinations for global students, including aspirants from India. It is home to world-class universities and a flourishing economy, enabling more job opportunities and international exposure. All of these factors make Canada a better option, and there are more public benefits on offer as well.

Q2.Is it worth moving to Canada from India?

It is certainly worth shifting to Canada from India, especially for those pursuing higher education and looking for rewarding global employment opportunities. Canada offers various public benefits to those holding PR visas, and immigrants enjoy the same facilities as citizens in many cases. Indian citizens have also witnessed more success in Canadian immigration applications than people from other countries. The number of Indians migrating to Canada has increased by leaps and bounds over the last few years. The immigration rules are tailored towards bringing more skilled and qualified immigrants who can contribute to the country’s industrial and economic development.





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